class AdaptyProfile(val profileId: String, val customerUserId: String?, val accessLevels: ImmutableMap<String, AdaptyProfile.AccessLevel>, val subscriptions: ImmutableMap<String, AdaptyProfile.Subscription>, val nonSubscriptions: ImmutableMap<String, ImmutableList<AdaptyProfile.NonSubscription>>, val customAttributes: ImmutableMap<String, Any>)
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fun AdaptyProfile(profileId: String, customerUserId: String?, accessLevels: ImmutableMap<String, AdaptyProfile.AccessLevel>, subscriptions: ImmutableMap<String, AdaptyProfile.Subscription>, nonSubscriptions: ImmutableMap<String, ImmutableList<AdaptyProfile.NonSubscription>>, customAttributes: ImmutableMap<String, Any>)
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class AccessLevel(val id: String, val isActive: Boolean, val vendorProductId: String, val offerId: String?, val store: String, val activatedAt: String, val startsAt: String?, val renewedAt: String?, val expiresAt: String?, val isLifetime: Boolean, val cancellationReason: String?, val isRefund: Boolean, val activeIntroductoryOfferType: String?, val activePromotionalOfferType: String?, val activePromotionalOfferId: String?, val willRenew: Boolean, val isInGracePeriod: Boolean, val unsubscribedAt: String?, val billingIssueDetectedAt: String?)
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class Subscription(val isActive: Boolean, val vendorProductId: String, val vendorTransactionId: String?, val vendorOriginalTransactionId: String?, val offerId: String?, val store: String, val activatedAt: String, val renewedAt: String?, val expiresAt: String?, val startsAt: String?, val isLifetime: Boolean, val activeIntroductoryOfferType: String?, val activePromotionalOfferType: String?, val activePromotionalOfferId: String?, val willRenew: Boolean, val isInGracePeriod: Boolean, val unsubscribedAt: String?, val billingIssueDetectedAt: String?, val isSandbox: Boolean, val isRefund: Boolean, val cancellationReason: String?)
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Previously set user custom attributes with .updateProfile method.
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