
object AdaptyUI


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sealed class Action
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fun getPaywallView(activity: Activity, viewConfiguration: AdaptyUI.LocalizedViewConfiguration, products: List<AdaptyPaywallProduct>?, eventListener: AdaptyUiEventListener, insets: AdaptyPaywallInsets = AdaptyPaywallInsets.UNSPECIFIED, personalizedOfferResolver: AdaptyUiPersonalizedOfferResolver = AdaptyUiPersonalizedOfferResolver.DEFAULT, tagResolver: AdaptyUiTagResolver = AdaptyUiTagResolver.DEFAULT, timerResolver: AdaptyUiTimerResolver = AdaptyUiTimerResolver.DEFAULT, observerModeHandler: AdaptyUiObserverModeHandler? = null): AdaptyPaywallView

Right after receiving LocalizedViewConfiguration, you can create the corresponding AdaptyPaywallView to display it afterwards.

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If you are using the Paywall Builder, you can use this method to get a configuration object for your paywall.