
class AdaptyProductSubscriptionDetails(val basePlanId: String, val offerId: String?, val offerTags: ImmutableList<String>, val renewalType: AdaptyProductSubscriptionDetails.RenewalType, val subscriptionPeriod: AdaptyProductSubscriptionPeriod, val localizedSubscriptionPeriod: String, val introductoryOfferPhases: ImmutableList<AdaptyProductDiscountPhase>)


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fun AdaptyProductSubscriptionDetails(basePlanId: String, offerId: String?, offerTags: ImmutableList<String>, renewalType: AdaptyProductSubscriptionDetails.RenewalType, subscriptionPeriod: AdaptyProductSubscriptionPeriod, localizedSubscriptionPeriod: String, introductoryOfferPhases: ImmutableList<AdaptyProductDiscountPhase>)



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A base plan of Google's subscription product.

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User’s eligibility for your introductory offer. Check this property before displaying info about introductory offers.

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A list that can contain up to two discount phases: the free trial phase and the introductory price phase.

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A formatted subscription period of the discount phase for a user’s locale.

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A discount offer for this basePlanId.

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Tags defined in Google Play console for current basePlanId and offerId.

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Indicates whether the subscription is auto-renewing or prepaid.

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An information about the period for the discount phase.