

Link copied to clipboard
class Price(val amount: BigDecimal, val localizedString: String, val currencyCode: String, val currencySymbol: String)


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String


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A description of the product.

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The name of the product.

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Same as abTestName property of the parent AdaptyPaywall.

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Same as name property of the parent AdaptyPaywall.

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The price of the product in the local currency.

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val productDetails: ProductDetails

Underlying system representation of the product.

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Consolidates all subscription-related properties if the product is a subscription, otherwise null.

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Same as variationId property of the parent AdaptyPaywall.

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Unique identifier of a product from App Store Connect or Google Play Console.