
fun getPaywall(    placementId: String,     locale: String? = null,     fetchPolicy: AdaptyPaywall.FetchPolicy = AdaptyPaywall.FetchPolicy.Default,     loadTimeout: TimeInterval = DEFAULT_PAYWALL_TIMEOUT,     callback: ResultCallback<AdaptyPaywall>)

Fetches the paywall by the specified placement.

With Adapty, you can remotely configure the products and offers in your app by simply adding them to paywalls – no need for hardcoding them. The only thing you hardcode is the placement ID.

This flexibility allows you to easily update paywalls, products, and offers, or run A/B tests, all without the need for a new app release.

Should not be called before activate



The identifier of the desired placement. This is the value you specified when you created the placement in the Adapty Dashboard.


This parameter is expected to be a language code composed of one or more subtags separated by the "-" character. The first subtag is for the language, the second one is for the region (The support for regions will be added later). Example: "en" means English, "en-US" represents US English. If the parameter is omitted, the paywall will be returned in the default locale.


By default SDK will try to load data from server and will return cached data in case of failure. Otherwise use AdaptyPaywall.FetchPolicy.ReturnCacheDataElseLoad to return cached data if it exists.


This value limits the timeout for this method. If the timeout is reached, cached data or local fallback will be returned. The minimum value is 1 second. If a timeout is not required, you can pass TimeInterval.INFINITE.


A result containing the AdaptyPaywall object. This model contains the list of the products ids, paywall’s identifier, custom payload, and several other properties.

See also